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さみどり さみどり さみどり

山政小山園の抹茶 さみどりは、クリーミーな香りとほんのり甘い味わいとかすかな苦みがミックスされた、フレッシュな緑の香りが素晴らしい、程よくフルボディな薄茶です。そのクリーミーな後味はいつまでも口中に残ります。



Nutrition information

5.0 つ星中5つ星 (3)



品番: MYK010

製造者: 山政小山園

原産国: 日本, 京都

原材料: 緑茶

賞味期限: 2025年 7月


ご質問等ございましたら、お気 軽に お問い合わせ下さい。



Ez******, 2024-08-12 12:25 JST, フィリピン

This was surprisingly really good out of the batch of "affordable" matcha I got this time around. It had a distinct "nori" smell that is very different from the usual seaweed notes of some matcha. (Think Japanese rice balls/onigiri) This results in a deep savory flavor that is surprisingly not bitter. It's not as bright as the more expensive ones, and the flavor isn't what I would call complex, but it works really well for what it is.

役に立ちましたか? (7)

BL******, 2023-03-13 21:19 JST, マレーシア

This is my second purchase. The first thing that struck me is its nose. Immediately I got a strong scent of roasted seaweed. Very delicious. On the palate, it is not as refined, smooth or complex if compared to others but note its price I think its excellent. It is a bit strong and rough but in a good way. It help awaken my senses and is my choice after a tired day. I dosed it slightly heavier than a thin tea but less than a thick tea as I like my liquor slightly stronger.

役に立ちましたか? (5)

Br******, 2020-11-19 22:16 JST, アメリカ合衆国

I am always consistently surprised by this Matcha Samidori from Yamamasa Koyamaen, especially for the price. When the water hits it, there's a nice fragrant aroma. As usucha, it's qualities are all soft. The good and bad are all soft... soft creaminess, slightly sweet, very muted bitter and muted umami. And all of that combined makes it a great staple to have around at all times. It's by no means top tier, but it's not offensive. It's great for those time when your friends want a matcha latte! I give it 5 stars because I think it's the best price you'll find for a reliable latte matcha.

役に立ちましたか? (7)

